Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Benefits of Learning Chinese on Your Mobile Smart Phone – Chinese Flash Cards

chinese character learning
Many industries are increasing their use of technology and education is no different. Most universities and serious educational institutions now offer their students at least some sort of technology based tutoring, whether it be over the internet of via clever apps developed for tablets and smart phones, Some institutions have gone the whole hog, offering only online courses.

Teaching and learning foreign languages (especially Chinese)in an effective and efficient manner has long been an issue for students and teachers alike. For many years, language learning conformed to the traditional classroom mode of teaching. If your schedule did not conform to the teaching hours of a regular institution, then you were pretty much left in the lurch. You may have been able to find a private tutor, but they were general quite expensive and their teaching ability was sub-standard. There were some technological solutions, but these were either clunky or cumbersome.However, in recent times this has changed.You can now access some fantastic Chinese language learning aids online.

Here are a few benefits of learning Chinese with the aid of technology.

chinese characters flash cards
1.      Convenience
Technology can make learning a language more convenient. Take learning Chinese, for example. Today, there are many flashcard products to assist students practice reading, writing and pronouncing Chinese characters. Some of the best products include native speaker audio and stroke order animations. Furthermore, if you purchase an app for your smart phone, tablet or laptop, you can practice anywhere, anytime.

2.      Intelligent algorithms
Chinese flash cards are a proven way to effectively and efficiently master reading and writing Chinese characters.The latest Chinese character flash card software is so intelligent that it can track your performance as you progress through your Chinese learning. Based on this information the system can then adjust the order in which it displays characters to ensure that you focus on those that you currently find most difficult.

3    Learn At Your Own Pace In Your Own Space
The most important and beneficial aspect of using technology to learn Chinese is that you get to set your own learning pattern. You choose the time and place for your learning, and the smart algorithm allows you to set your own pace. Furthermore, some provides will tailor their products to match the particular curriculum being taught at your school. This means you can practice exactly what you have been taught in class without having to trawl through hundreds of characters that you do not need to know.

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